About Us

Our company name is PADMINI AYUR COSMETICS PVT LTD . We are the leading manufacturer of hair dye in West Bengal.

The company is incorporated in 2007.

In business for more than a decade.

Manufacturing world class products.

Wash The Hair

Gently wash your hair properly.

Dry Hair Properly

Let the hair dry properly. You can use hair dryer.

Apply On Hair

Apply the product by wearing the gloves as per the requirement.

Spread With Comb

After applying the oil spread up with comb and brush.

How To Use?

Wash the hair, dry it properly. Then apply the product by wearing the gloves as per the requirement and spread up with comb and brush.

Apply for two to three days continuously and your hair will form into natural black and soft.

Our products

Our products

Customer's Review

  • Rishabh
    Great Product. Recommendation to all.
  • Mofidul Islam
    Great Product
    Mofidul Islam
  • Abhivyakti Sharma
    Such a great product!!! I stopped searching for another dye after using padmini kesh kala!!! A great recommendation to all!!!
    Abhivyakti Sharma

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is self explanatory – 5/5